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Multi-Tenant PBX – MT Manager Software Update 1.0.20

Aug 11, 2019 | APP StatExplorer MT PBX, APP Wallboards MT PBX, MT Manager Software Updates, VoIP PBX Technical Updates

New Apps in MT Manager

This version introduces the StatExplorer App for call center statistics reporting with its extension – Wallboards, for real-time performance monitoring.

Both apps are activated via the App dialogue.
The Wallboards app can only be activated on systems that have StatExplorer activated.


The new apps are activated under Edit Tenant -> Apps:

StatExplorer – PBX Call Statistics

The StatExplorer app provides statistical reporting for call centers and other PBX call statistics, including incoming calls, outgoing calls, simultaneous call, calls by destination, DID, agent and more. The user can create and save granular filters and present reports as tables and graphs.


  • The Wallboards app runs on top of the StatExplorer app and provides real-time performance monitoring for agents and supervisors. Different wallboards can be customized by the admin by adding widgets and setting them up to create the desired view, thus helping the team focus on the right measurements and meet their company goals.