When upgrading any CompletePBX system (excluding Spark) from version 5.0.59 or older, follow the following procedure:
1. run yum install xorcom-centos-release
2. run
yum update
This will ensure the system will be updated from the correct repositories.
PBX Backup & Restore
Backup now includes the etc/asterisk/ folder, which means that the custom configuration files are now backed up. Note: configuration files such as extensions__20-baseplan.conf that are provided by the CompletePBX packages are backed up but NOT restored automatically. It means that the manual changes that have possibly been made in the extensions__20-baseplan.conf file should be restored manually. The reason for not automatically restoring those files is that in some cases restoring such files may cause technical issues.
Additional PBX Improvements
Error messages text is now clearer
Firewall services are now alphabetically ordered by name
Bug Fixes
Apply action (reload) take a long time when the company firewall blocks the outbound from the PBX TLS connections. The problem was introduced in v.5.1.7
In some cases, the E1/T1 channels got disconnected and Asterisk started to consume a lot of CPU. The problem happened due to a bug that was introduced in Asterisk v.13.29.1 that was a part of the CompletePBX v.5.1.1. This CompletePBX release provides Asterisk v.13.31 where the bug has been fixed.
CloudPhone device info (Extensions -> Extension Status) was wrong
Unanswered calls to queue left a blank recording file
Extension Status sorting misbehaved under some conditions
Bulk Modification – selected extensions were not saved upon the next opening
When deleting a Voicemail Timezone from the system, there was no check and warning if the Voicemail Timezone was in use
Portal GUI allowed Voicemail settings to be set to deleting voicemail without sending an attachment by email, thus deleting the voicemail message forever