Let’s say you want to add support for the CISCO proprietary SCCP IP phones then you have to enable the chan_skinny.so module that is not loaded by default. Here are the steps to achieve this: create a new modules configuration file 30-custom.conf in the /etc/asterisk/modules.d and define there a list of modules you would like to enable or disable. Each module must be defined in a separate line in the following format: [+|-]<sp><module_name> where, ‘+’ – means enable the module ‘-‘ – diable the module <sp> – the space character In our example we will add just one line: + chan_skinny.so * Run the /usr/share/ombutel/scripts/ast_mods_ctl command. * Restart Asterisk: systemctl restart asterisk Note, if in future you will decide to disable the chan_skinny.so module, then you will need to mark the module with the ‘-‘ character in the 30-custom.conf file and run the ast_mods_ctl command again. |