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Building UC Solutions: Case Study Edition

Posted on February 3, 2025

Over the last few years, we’ve compiled a variety of case studies examining successful deployments from around the world. These case studies feature diverse verticals that use Grandstream products to build powerful UC solutions. Let’s consider the different ways Grandstream products were deployed and how they customized our solutions to fit their business size and needs.

School District

In the state of Missouri (USA), 12 school districts deployed a powerful communications solution using Grandstream’s UCM IP PBX series and endpoints. Having had a dispersed and inconsistent communications system, the school district wanted a scalable and centralized solution that could provide a distributed communications system to all school locations.The school district varies in size from 150 up to 1,500 phone users. That meant that a network design that could be scaled up by just adding additional IP PBXs and endpoints would be the best fit.


Another great case study to explore is that of a small hospital in Lebanon that converted their old analog communication system into VoIP using Grandstream. Their main goal was to improve the communication and performance of their emergency response team and hospital. This was crucial as the livelihood of the hospital and their patients depends on a reliable and strong communications network.

For this scenario, a central IP PBX like the UCM6510 was deployed in the main school district’s office. Then, additional UCM6200 series were placed in each school locations, followed by GXP series phones that fit varying needs. Some locations required less call volume then others— that’s when the GXP1600 series were put in place for basic needs. In the bigger locations with higher demands, the GXP2100 series were deployed. To finalize the solution, the school district also added a video door system solution to add facility access and surveillance to certain locations. By having all communication network under one roof, the school district could assure seamless function as well as design a customized solution for each school location.

No matter the need, Grandstream offers unparalleled UC solutions that can be tailored to any business size and whatever demand comes along the way. If you want to learn more about our featured case studies, follow the link below.