- Direct dial to voice mail – it is now possible to leave a message directly to voicemail without having to wait for ring time to end, by dialing feature code *95 before the extension number to which you want to leave the voicemail.
- Improved table behavior in Pickup Groups – It is now possible to delete the first line in the Pickup Group table. In previous versions it was only possible to edit it.
- Now when a hot-desking device tries to log in to an extension that is already associated with another hot-desking device then the previous association will automatically end.
- Dynamic queue members are now logged in to a queue with their names instead of extension numbers. It allows displaying the member names on the switchboard buttons.
- FOP2 switchboard updated to version 2.31.08 that is specifically adjusted to Ombutel and fixes several issues.
Note! The users with licensed FOP2 installed will have to reactivate the license by running command:
fop2_server –reactivate
This operation requires the Internet access!