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CompletePBX 5.0.35 – Queue Voicemail Support, Fixes, Improvements…

Nov 15, 2017 | CompletePBX Change Log, VoIP PBX Technical Updates


Voicemail support in Queue and Ring Group 

Queues and ring groups no longer skip voicemail in the Last Destination.  When a call is not answered by an agent and the caller is routed to the Last Destination, now the caller will reach voicemail (if configured).  In previous versions voicemail was ignored in calls from queues and ring groups.

IP Phone Provisioning

SIP plug-and-play now supports Grandstream phones, in addition to all previously supported phone.


  • Problem with Endpoint Manager template Advanced editing – in some cases when trying to edit advanced settings it was not possible to select the category.  Fixed.
  • FXS Hot-Desking – FXS hot desking devices would sometimes lose assignment after applying new configuration to the system.  Fixed.
  • License registration – in some cases when trying to register license the system would announce “licenses do not belong to this system” until running a manual command to clear the issue. Fixed.
  • Voicemail Broadcast Group – in some cases the call would disconnect when trying to broadcast a group voicemail.  Fixed.
  • Call from ring group or queue which was transferred would not reach voicemail.  Fixed.
  • In destinations across the system, the user would see non-existing destinations as drop-down options (e.g. an option to choose voicemail for an extension that does not have a voicemail configured).  Now the drop-down shows only existing destinations.
  • It is now possible to erase email settings.
  • When a portal user had a name of fewer than four characters it was not possible to edit that user.  Solved.
  • Cleanup and internal optimizations.