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Let’s talk about video conferencing

Posted on February 5, 2025

Ever been in a really long and (dare I say it) boring phone conference? Sitting at your desk with multiple browser windows open, phone on mute while you “listen” in? If you answered yes, then you’ve probably experienced one of the most detached and unproductive ways to participate in conferences. The time has come to ditch your outdated phone system and upgrade to a new way to collaborate: video conferencing.

When it comes to collaboration, video performs better than just audio. The face-to-face interaction from video conferencing allows users to become more engaged thanks to non-verbal communication. This attributes to a 22% increase in participation and a 26% increase in task performance. It’s no surprise the use of video conferencing has spread rapidly in the last few years.

According to West Unified, 54% of employees participate regularly in video conferencing, with internal meetings being the highest used at 58%. Workers everywhere are using video conferencing now more than ever. Here at Grandstream, with many of our clients located throughout the globe, video conferencing has become a necessity. It adds intimacy and a personalized experience other wise not found in regular voice calling. Being able to see the other person’s facial expressions makes the conversation more organic and overall, helps efficiency and collaboration in the workplace. In fact, Visually reports that 62 million people make video calls on a regular basis. A growing number that serves as an indicator on its precedence on businesses’ communication.

So, why is video conferencing in the workplace so important? Scholars Burgoon, Guerrero and Floyd say that when it comes to international businesses, non-verbal communication is fundamental in helping decipher cultural differences and establishing a successful relationship. That’s because body language makes up 55% of the communication process. This reduces cultural clashes and opens a path towards stronger communication and ultimately, lucrative business relationships.

Aside from stronger businesses communication, video conferencing attributes to significant cost savings in the workplace. According to Intelli Verse, companies that use video conferencing see 30% savings in travel costs when they opt to use video conferencing versus traveling for business meetings.

If these startling statistics haven’t convinced you yet to make the switch, then maybe it’s time to hear from the experts…

At Grandstream, we take our video conferencing seriously. Having developed an award-winning video conferencing solution, not only can we vouch for its success but are also lucky enough to use our own homegrown IP products in our everyday communication needs. Video conferencing being one of them. So stop scheduling phone calls and start hosting your own interactive and work-efficient video conferencing meetings. Learn how here.